Indonesia’s Blue Economy: Strategy and Goals

The Blue Economy
The Blue Economy (Image by SISP)

Blue Economy is a model for development in Indonesia that emphasizes the economic worth of marine resources. Directly or indirectly, this notion can provide value to the supply chain. The objective is to accelerate economic growth that enhances human well-being and preserves environmental sustainability. Indonesia utilizes the Blue Economy while maintaining concern for the health of the marine ecology. (Olahkarsa Blog, 2022)

As well as being beneficial for maintaining ocean health, the blue economy can also open up investment opportunities, jobs, and equitable distribution of national economic growth because the distribution of fisheries economic growth tends to be in eastern Indonesia, thereby helping to improve the standard of living of people in the region. (Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022)

After the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia has significant potential for a blue recovery (Blue Recovery). Additionally, the blue economy is a space for innovation and creativity. It is anticipated that Indonesia’s transition to a blue economy will serve as a model for sustainable marine-based industrial growth. (Olahkarsa Blog, 2022)

Bacaan Lainnya

There are 2,8 million households involved in the maritime industry of Indonesia. It is not unexpected that 54 percent of the animal protein consumed by Indonesians comes from fish and seafood. Indonesia exports ten percent of the world’s fishery commodities. This number will continue to rise as global seafood demand increases. The value of Indonesia’s fisheries sector is $29.6 billion, or 2.6% of the country’s gross domestic product. Additionally, this sector contributes to the tourism industry and to environmental protection. (KEMENTERIAN INVESTASI/BPKM, 2017)

Suseno, as the leader of the delegation of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) to the 8th World Congress on Blue Economy in Madrid, Spain, underlined to the world that the principles of the blue economy have been guiding Indonesian business practices for decades. (Rahman, 2013)

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has established a blue economy implementation strategy to restore ocean health and promote sustainable marine economic growth on national and regional scales. KKP thinks that strong and globally competent Human Resources (HR) are essential for the realization of the blue economy. Consequently, KKP continues to promote the development of excellent human resource capability in diverse places. (Setiawan, 2022)

The Blue Economy Development Framework aims to optimize Indonesia’s mode of operation as an archipelagic nation with abundant maritime resources. The management of marine resources and ecosystems is also geared on overcoming the obstacles of coastal degradation and natural resources. Climate change and the socioeconomic vulnerability of coastal communities can also be overcome. (Olahkarsa Blog, 2022)

Image by: Environmental Law Society

The Blue Economy Development Framework aims to optimize Indonesia’s mode of operation as an archipelagic nation with abundant maritime resources. The management of marine resources and ecosystems is also geared on overcoming the obstacles of coastal degradation and natural resources. Climate change and the socioeconomic vulnerability of coastal communities can also be overcome.  (Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022)

Given the above explanation and facts, it is clear that the blue economy is not to be taken lightly, since it also contributes significantly to the development of the Indonesian economy. Given that the strategy and objectives of the blue economy are to increase the marine economy while conserving it, and that Indonesia is a maritime country with many islands and abundant natural resources, it is appropriate for the Indonesian people to support the process of running the blue economy. With a blue economy, the marine economy will undoubtedly be managed. properly and accurately.

Writer: Luthfy Alwan
Student Number: 20220510045
Student College of International Relation of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University

Lecturer: Dr. Surwandono, M.Si.

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