Get to Know More about Bispro Major in UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur

Bispro Major
Opening of the Vocational Department at UPN Veteran East Java Namely English for Business and Professional Communication (Source: Author Documentation)

Is this major different from the majors in English literature and English language education? why do you have to Study Program D4 Bispro?

The D4 English for Business and Professional Communication Study Program is a study program whose main objective is to develop competence in the field of English for business communication and professional communication.

In this study program, you will learn about English, starting from the aspects of listening, reading, writing, and also speaking in a professional business context.

Bacaan Lainnya

English will also help you to develop your business. Businessmen certainly want to have a growing business. Then further promotion is needed to introduce our business in the international market. It is undeniable that English is the official language of 53 countries around the world.

In terms of job prospects, this department is considered to be a major that provides promising prospects and is indeed quite profitable.

English Study Program for Business and Professional Communication became important In today’s globalized business world, effective communication skills in English are crucial for professionals.

Whether it’s presenting ideas, negotiating deals, or writing reports, being able to communicate clearly and confidently is essential for success.

To meet the demand for English proficiency in the business sector, there are various study programs and resources available.

Here is an overview of the English study program for Business and Professional Communication:

1. Courses and Specializations

Many online platforms offer specialized courses and specializations focused on Business English Communication Skills.

These programs are designed to teach professionals how to communicate effectively in English in professional contexts. They cover a range of skills, including expanding vocabulary, improving writing and speaking abilities, and learning terminology and skills applicable to business negotiations, presentations, and written reports.

2. Mobile Apps and Online Resources

To supplement formal courses, there are mobile apps and online resources available that can help improve English pronunciation, grammar, and listening skills. These resources provide additional practice and flexibility for busy professionals.

3. Corporate Training

The British Council offers corporate training programs tailored to the specific needs of organizations.

These programs can be customized to address the communication challenges faced by employees in a business setting. Reporting tools are also available to track learning progress and measure return on investment.

4. Authentic Materials

To enhance language skills and prepare for real-life situations, it is recommended to use authentic English materials such as TV shows, podcasts, and TED talks. These materials expose learners to English in its native habitat and provide a more enjoyable learning experience.

5. Research and Scholarly Journals

There is ongoing research and scholarly work dedicated to advancing the teaching of communication in the workplace, specifically in the field of business and professional communication.

Journals like “Business and Professional Communication Quarterly” publish scholarship that contributes to the understanding and improvement of communication skills in the business world.

It is important for professionals to set specific goals and incorporate these resources and strategies into their learning plan to improve their business English skills.

By investing time and effort into developing strong English communication skills, professionals can enhance their career prospects and thrive in the competitive business environment.

Overall, the English study program for Business and Professional Communication offers a range of courses, resources, and strategies to help professionals improve their English language skills and effectively communicate in a business setting.

By utilizing these resources and committing to continuous learning, professionals can enhance their communication abilities and excel in their careers.

UPN “Veteran” East Java has opened an English study program for Business and Professional Communication, and on August 23, 2023 yesterday PPKMB was held for new students majoring in BISPRO.

UPN “Veteran” East Java is one of the universities in Indonesia which annually holds an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) activities.

PKKMB is an initial activity that aims to help new students get to know and adapt to campus life, get to know the campus environment, and introduce the various facilities and services available at UPN “Veteran” East Java.

The opening of PPKMB for BISPRO Department was assisted by HIMA from other faculties as MCs and event supporters.

PPKMB begins with an introduction to the BISPRO lecturers and also some presentation of material for new students. In contrast to other PPKMB majors, BISPRO freshmen are directly guided by lecturers, so that PPKMB takes place in a fun and informative manner.

PPKMB is carried out in the New Lecture Building room which is equipped with air conditioning, projector, whiteboard facilities.

In the middle of the event a game was held to refresh the students, in which the games were led by seniors from the Faculty of Engineering. The BISPRO Department PPKMB program starts on August 23-24.


  1. M. Valentino
  2. Cici Humaida
  3. Nirmala Febian F
  4. Haeva Nurajizah

UPN Veterans East Java Students

Editor: Salwa Alifah Yusrina
Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi

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