Islamic Political Thought in the Old Order and the New Order

Islamic Political.

Islamic political thought is a thought which discusses a topic with an Islamic theme, starting from the Shari’a, the rules and teachings. The old order and during the new order. During the old order it was led by President Soekarno himself.

The two elements of Islamic political theory are as follows:

  • Islamic political thinking under the old order;
  • Islamic political thought during the new order (Modern Age).

During the Old Order

According to the article, this period was challenging for Islamic parties since the country’s senior leaders had to cope with rebels as well as issues like the Madiun Affair, West Irian, and the 1st and 2nd Military Aggressions. This time period was rife with violence and discord. People are divided and violently active.

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During the New Order (Modern Era)

As time passes, a modern (current) political thought will start to emerge in the 19th century AD. Internal variables and external factors are the two categories into which these factors fall.

Islamic institutions and law underwent significant modifications in the 19th century AD as a result of the existence of government reform. Jamaluddin al-Afgani claimed that he sought to replace the caliphate with a republic in order to reform and reinvigorate Islamic politics.

Conditions for Leadership

  1. Good character;
  2. Sufficient knowledge;
  3. Have faith;
  4. Trust;
  5. Male;
  6. Possess muscular strength;
  7. Understand oneself.


People must study religion, be pious, and always be in numerous disciplines and aspects. Political issues have been described in Islam. Knowing the vastness of the power above, Islamic teachings always emphasize doing good deeds, beginning with the little things and progressing to the exceptional.

The ideas above outline numerous aspects of Indonesian Islam. It appears to have changed throughout the past few decades, from the New Order to the present. The process of (political) transformations in the relationship between Islam and the state can be clearly seen if political indicators are used.

During this time, from the major source of the New Order’s power—the TNI and POLRI—to subsequent positions—good ties between Muslims and ABRI (TNI and POLRI) existed. The New Order stopped Islam from taking on a political role.

However, the New Order’s requirement that all Muslims support its political agenda resulted in a reduction in the number and significance of political parties, a change in political ideology, and a transformation in Muslim-Muslim relations.

Writer: Satria Dharma Putra
Student College of International Relation of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University

Editor: Ika Ayuni Lestari     

Language: Rahmat Al Kafi

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