The Slow-Living Trend: A Gen Z Anti-Work Mentality Thing

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The slow living concept, as a recent emerging trend, is gaining traction amongst users on any social media platform. It has been wildly popular under the hashtag #slowliving, with hundreds of millions of views.

The slow living trend is a lifestyle philosophy that emphasizes the importance of slowing down, simplifying, and embracing a more mindful approach to everyday life.

It encourages individuals to prioritize their well-being, and quality of life, savoring each moment and meaningful experience over the constant pursuit of productivity and material possessions.

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The chaotic nature of modern life creates many pressures as people attempt to live up to seemingly unachievable standards and strive to accomplish more. As soon as one goal is completed, it’s time to move on to the next.

The world appears to be moving at breakneck speed. There’s hardly ever a chance to pause and reflect on the present, as if there is no time to think about what people truly want to do.

Thus, the concept of slow living promotes a balanced approach to life by encouraging individuals to cultivate a deeper connection with themselves, others, and the world around them.

It involves consciously choosing to engage in activities that bring fulfillment and contentment while letting go of the constant hustle and bustle that often characterizes modern life.

By embracing slow living, individuals seek to create a sense of balance and harmony and find joy in the simple pleasures of life, ultimately leading to a greater sense of purpose. However, while this life-changing concept is growing in popularity, slow living is often misunderstood.

During the last 3 years, along with the idea of slow living, a number of workplace trends have been discovered around the world, including the #antiworkmovement as a symbol of employee dissatisfaction. Although employees of all ages were involved, Gen Z was frequently at the center of it all.

This issue leads to a stigmatization of the slow living concept, which is considered a Gen Z coping mechanism strategy regarding their anti-work mentality. The existentialism of this perception is disputed as a presumption to seek further into the root of this so-called mentality.

Labor is not something that Gen Z ever dreams about. This well-known phrase has littered the internet with headlines of articles fussing over Gen Z’s purported disapproval of workplace “norms”.

Surveys have found that Gen Z is less inclined than their elders to put up with long hours, demanding employers, or a lack of boundaries between the personal and the professional.

Having said that, young workers are not lazy, entitled, or eager to slack off; they are simply rejecting some of the practices previous generations were compelled to accept. Many Gen Zers redefine a prestigious career as one that enhances their personal lives.

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This may accommodate a position that allows a worker to live the lifestyle they choose, such as being an entrepreneur, working in an area that aligns with their values and passion, or a job that enables them to build their own brand on the side.

Citing, various factors are contributing to why younger workers are leaving their occupations, including salaries that don’t match job descriptions, toxic environments, and the absence of work-life balance.

The data indicates how Gen Z is indeed shifting attitudes, embracing entrepreneurship, putting emphasis on values, and highlighting the importance of more meaningful work.

Nevertheless, the expanding idea of slow living may be part of Gen Z’s shifting mindset, referring to a more chilled-out, intentional existence – as the antidote to the fast-paced, instant-gratification-obsessed culture – advocating a lifestyle in which ‘stop and smell the roses’ is not just a cliché but a way of life.

Penulis: Ifa A. Putri S.
Communications Bina Nusantara Malang

Editor: Ika Ayuni Lestari     

Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi

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