Let’s Sleep with Me

Ilustrasi insomnia.

Sleep is a basic necessity required by everyone. In order to function optimally, everyone needs adequate sleep. So what if you have trouble sleeping for at least a week and the disorder should cause symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and memory impairment? That’s called insomnia.

Insomnia is a disorder that causes difficulty falling asleep or waking up during sleep. Although insomnia is a common complaint, it often goes undiagnosed and untreated. Insomnia disorders consist of nighttime and daytime symptoms that affect quality of life and well-being. Insomnia includes difficulty initiating sleep, disturbed sleep, and early morning awakenings.

People with insomnia report greater health problems, more limited physical activity, more interference in daily life, and greater emotional difficulties compared to healthy people without insomnia (Asih et al., 2013) while fatigue, reduced attention, impaired cognitive function, irritability, anxiety, and poor mood are the main daytime impairments (Rieman et  al., 2022).

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At least 3 times a week and has been a problem for at least 1 month (Roth, 2007). Insomnia more frequently afflicts females than males (60% versus 40%) (Rieman et al. 2022). The costs of insomnia for the individual and society are staggering: obesity and diabetes (Anothaisintawee et al., 2016; Chan et al., 2018), depression (Baglioni et al., 2011; Hertenstein et al., 2019), anxiety (Hertenstein et al., 2019) and suicide (Pigeon et. al., 2012).

Insomnia is divided into two types, namely primordial and secundum. primordial insomnia is a type of insomnia that is not caused by certain health problems or diseases, while secundum insomnia is a type of insomnia caused by certain health problems or diseases. Primordial causes are usually stress, anxiety, or lifestyle changes. Secundum causes of insomnia include thyroid disorders, neurological disorders, or heart disease (Binti Zaini., 2016).

Insomnia is categorized into three types. The first type is patients who are unable unable or difficult to sleep for the first 1 to 3 hours for the first 1 to 3 hours. However, due to fatigue eventually finally falls asleep. This type is usually experienced by young people who are experiencing anxiety.

The second type can sleep easily and soundly, but after 2 to 3 hours of sleep, they wake up. This may repeatedly. Third type, the patient can sleep easily and sleep easily and soundly, but in the early morning he wakes up and is unable to sleep again. This is common in people who are experiencing depression.

Insomnia is caused by three factors, namely predisposing conditions (conditions inherent in individuals such as gender, age, genetics, lifestyle, physical and mental health conditions), precipitating circumstances (triggering events that are usually traumatic), and perpetuating factors (shifts in cognitive and behavioral patterns that exacerbate insomnia conditions) (Williams, Roth, Vatthauer & McCrae, 2013).

The main causes of insomnia are emotional, cognitive, and physiological problems. All three play a role in cognitive dysfunction, unhealthy habits unhealthy habits, and the consequences of insomnia (Espie, 2002).

Treatments for insomnia include stimulus control, Stimulus control instructions often include using the bedroom only for sleep (or sex), getting out of bed if awake for 15 to 20 minutes (and returning only if sleepy), avoiding naps, and setting regular bedtime and wake times.

Relaxation, this method is particularly useful in insomnia patients who exhibit excessive vigilance or physical complaints that may interfere with adaptive sleep patterns. The most common types of relaxation for treating insomnia include progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, imagery, and meditation (Perlis et al., 2005).

Paradoxical intention involves instructing the patient to try to stay awake while remaining in bed at night. The rationale behind this approach is that by trying to stay awake, the stress and frustration associated with trying to fall asleep will be reduced.

Imagery training To perform imagery training, the patient selects a calming image or memory and brings up the image using various senses to create a sense of relaxation (Dautovich et al., 2010).  Morin 1993 and Harvey 2002 have provided cognitive therapy models for insomnia. Cognitive therapy involves exposing false beliefs about sleep, providing alternative interpretations, and allowing patients to consider their insomnia in a different way.

Penulis: Hanifa Agnat Az-zahra
Mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Editor: Ika Ayuni Lestari

Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi

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