UIN Jakarta Student’s Motives in Using Instagram as the Main Online Media

Ilustrasi: pixabay.com


Penelitian ini berjudul Motif Mahasiswa UIN Jakarta Menggunakan Instagram sebagai Media Online Utama.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bahwa Instagram merupakan salah satu media sosial dengan pengguna terbanyak dan banyak informasi tersebar di Instagram yang memudahkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan informasi yang mereka butuhkan, itulah yang membuat kami tertarik untuk mengetahuinya.

Selanjutnya alasan mengapa kami memilih objek ini tentunya karena banyak pengguna yang sangat senang dengan sajian Instagram baik itu dari segi informasi, hiburan, dan komunikasi, maka dari itu kami tertarik untuk mengambil judul tersebut agar kita dapat mengetahui dan telusuri lebih dalam apa yang membuat anak-anak milenial dan gen z ini begitu tertarik dengan Instagram dibandingkan dengan media yang sudah tersedia.

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Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan wawancara yang ditujukan kepada mahasiswa UIN Jakarta. Alasan kelompok kami menggunakan wawancara untuk mengetahui alasan mengapa mereka menggunakan Instagram sebagai media utama.

Kami mewawancarai beberapa mahasiswa UIN Jakarta yang merupakan teman sekelas kami dan mendapatkan informasi mengapa mereka menggunakan Instagram sebagai media sosial utama mereka dibandingkan dengan media sosial lain yang tersedia.

Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa UIN Jakarta yang telah menjadi informan penelitian kami ini menjadikan media sosial Instagram sebagai media sosial utama mereka karena para informan sangat puas dengan fitur-fitur yang tersedia.

Di Instagram seperti instastory yang ditambahkan filter, informan mengaku dengan filter dia percaya diri dan ada fitur lucu.

Alasan lain informan menggunakan media sosial Instagram sebagai media sosial utama adalah karena jarang ada kendala yang terjadi pada aplikasi Instagram, karena sebelumnya informan menggunakan aplikasi media sosial Facebook, di mana media sosial itu tidak lengkap seperti media sosial Instagram, mulai dari fitur dan postingan.


This research is entitled UIN Jakarta Student’s Motives in Using Instagram as the Main Online Media. The purpose of this study is to find out that Instagram is one of the social media with the most users and a lot of information is spread on Instagram which makes it easier for a user to get the information they need, that’s what made us interested in choosing the title.

Furthermore, the reason why I chose this object is of course because many users are very happy with the presentation of Instagram whether it’s in terms of information, entertainment, and communication, therefore we are interested in taking the title so that we can find out and explore more deeply what what makes these millennial and gen z children so interested in Instagram compared to the media that is already available.

This study uses a qualitative method by using interviews addressed to UIN Jakarta students. The reason my group uses interviews to find out the reasons why they use Instagram as the main medium. We interviewed several UIN Jakarta students who were our classmates and got information on why they use Instagram as their main social media compared to other available social media.

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The results of the research that have been carried out show that UIN Jakarta students who have become informants of our research, it can be concluded that these UIN Jakarta students make Instagram social media their main social media because the informants are very satisfied with the features available on Instagram such as instastory.

Which was added to the filter on Instagram, the informant admitted that with the filter he was confident and there were funny features.

Another reason for informants using Instagram social media as the main social media is because there are rarely obstacles that occur in the Instagram application, because the informants previously used the Facebook social media application, where social media was incomplete such as Instagram social media, starting from features and posts.


Mass media as a means of mass communication can be achieved through three media channels, namely print media such as newspapers and magazines, electronic media such as radio and television and online or cyber media such as websites and news portals.

The existence of cyber media, especially the internet, continues to grow in tandem with technological advances. The development of the digital world in Indonesia is not balanced with the growth of its users. The internet has had a lot of influence on the way a person communicates.

The result is now the rise of social media, especially Instagram which has a significant impact on the way news is disseminated, especially news on online media. The internet is a collection of networks of various technological sophistication innovations that make people’s lives easier in any way today.

Online media or commonly called cyber media is media that is presented online on a website. Online media itself is called the third generation of media after print media and electronic media (Romli, 2012:30).

Almost all electronic media and even print media now have online media as a means of support in presenting and disseminating broadcast news.

Referring to a survey conducted by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) in May 2019, internet users in Indonesia reached 171.17 million people or around 64.8 percent of the total population of Indonesia which reached 264 million.

According to the Secretary General of APJII, Henri Kasyfi, internet users in Indonesia have increased by 10.12 percent compared to 2018.

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Everyone no longer has to struggle to get news, unlike in the past to get news, through social media, especially Instagram, which is now widely liked and used by many people, news can be found very easily. In this modern era, many mass media phenomena have been found, especially online media that use Instagram as a medium for dissemination.

Initially the function of Instagram it self was only to publish photos and videos which could then be seen by many people. However, with the development of technology and changes in communication patterns, Instagram’s function is no longer just sharing and publishing photos and videos.

News and information are now easily obtained from social media Instagram. Starting from news in the form of text only, developing with text combined with images and the latest news display in the form of video text and images that are combined with each other.

Quoting from Katadata, the number of active social media users in Indonesia increased by 20 percent in 2019. The study shows that Indonesia is the fourth most populous country with Instagram and Facebook users, beating Russia, Turkey, Japan, and the UK.

In addition, based on data compiled from Napoleon Cat for the period January 2019 to April 2019 shows Instagram users in Indonesia reached 56 million people or 20.97 percent of the total population in the country.

Even in the world, Indonesia occupies the fourth position as the most Instagram users under the United States, Brazil, and India. The problem above becomes interesting and becomes the background for the research entitled the motives of UIN Jakarta students using Instagram as the main online media.

Previous studies related to this title are as follows first, from the article above, it can be found that there are differences, namely the motives and satisfaction of UIN Jakarta students in accessing the @uinjktoffcial Instagram account.

Meanwhile, my group journal examined the motives of UIN Jakarta students using Instagram as the main online media. The research method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach, where in this method the researcher reveals the problem in more depth and the data obtained is described in a narrative manner.

Second, the difference, the journal is to find out the existence of students on Instagram while my group journal is Instagram being the main online media for students.

Third, the difference, knowing how the social interaction of seventh semester students majoring in Social Studies Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, on social media Instagram.

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Meanwhile, my group journal is the motive or reason why UIN Jakarta students use Instagram as the main online media.

Fourth, the journal discusses the changing lifestyles due to the use of social media (Instragram) due to human interest in several aspects that can be provided, while my group journal only mentions that Instagram is only the main social media for socializing.

Fifth, the journal explains that Instagram is an aspect of improving the human image that affects the person’s fame, while my group journal only mentions that Instagram is a place for someone to seek information from various users. Sixth, the journal explains that Instagram is a place to do business and earn more while in my group journal, i mention that Instagram is a place to socialize with all active users.

The reasons i chose this subject are as follows. First, the reason for choosing the title is because Instagram is one of the social media with the most users and a lot of information is spread on Instagram which makes it easy for a user to get the information they need, that’s what made us interested in choosing that title.

Furthermore, the reason why i chose this object is of course because many users are very happy with the presentation of Instagram whether it is in terms of information, entertainment, and communication, therefore we are interested in taking the title so that we can find out and explore more deeply what what makes these millennial and gen z children so interested in Instagram compared to the media that is already available. The following is the basic theory that the researcher uses as the foundation of this research.

The theory put forward by Johnson And Yang (2009) the following is a review of a journal that is close to the title as a previous study. Johnson And Yang (2009) research on the uses and gratifications of Twitter: An examination of user motives and satisfaction of Twitter use.

Researching the motives and satisfaction of Twitter users in the United States, Canada, England, and Australia. Johnson and Yang use the theory of Gratification Palmgreen, namely Gratification Sought and Gratification Obtained.

In his research, there is a relationship between motives and satisfaction of twitter users. The similarity in this study is to use indicators of social motives and information motives and the differences in this study are clearly visible from the subjects studied.

Effendy in his book Science, Theory, and Philosophy of Communication explains that the essence of communication is the process of statements between humans. What is stated is a person’s thoughts, feelings to others by using language as a channeling tool.

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So, according to the opinion above, communication is the expression of one’s thoughts or feelings to others by using language, both verbal and non-verbal.

Social media or often referred to as new media is a form of mass media shift where previously only the media was a center of information and information was given or published in one direction, now the media is interactive because the audience is not just an object but the audience is more actively involved in social media.

Harold Laswell described “A good way to describe communication is to answer the following questions ‘Who Says What In Which Channel To Whom With What Effect?’ or Who Says what with what channel to whom with what influence”.

Based on the above understanding it can be concluded that in communication there are several elements in the communication process, namely who says (communicator/ source), says what (message), with what channel (media/ face to face), to whom (communicant/ recipient of the message), with what effect (effect).

In life, humans are social creatures. This means that in meeting their needs, humans must relate to other people and their environment. In an effort to meet these needs, it can be done if both parties hold a communication or establish a relationship with the community or the surrounding environment.

According to Mandiberg as quoted by Rulli Nasrullah, “social media is a medium that accommodates collaboration between users who produce content (user generated content)”. Social media is a form of communication that is spread through content. The content in question is in the form of a discussion conversation, videos, photos, opinions, and so on.

According to Arif Rohmadi, social media is a medium that allows users to socialize and interact with each other, as well as to share information and establish cooperation. In the era of the 3rd millennium, more and more information is obtained, because information technology has been growing.

With the development of this information technology, communication media also experience development. Because the two are interconnected. Evidence of the development of communication media is the existence of social media.

There are so many social media that exist in this 3rd millennium era, based on the annual digital report issued by We Are Social and Hootsuite in January 2018, there are four social media channels that are most widely used by Indonesian people, namely YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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Research Problem

Based on the explanation above, this research determines the formulation of the problem as follows:

  • What is the reason you use Instagram as the main online media?
  • When did you start using Instagram?
  • Why don’t you use other online media?
  • How do you use Instagram as an online medium?

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the reasons for each user why they prefer Instagram as the main online media and when they start using Instagram and find out why they prefer Instagram compared to other media and get answers on how they use the application as an online medium.


We here use a qualitative method by using interviews addressed to UIN Jakarta students. The reason my group uses interviews is to find out the reasons why they use Instagram as the main medium. We interviewed several UIN Jakarta students who were our classmates and got information on why they use Instagram as their main social media compared to other available social media.

Qualitative research is an inquiry strategy that emphasizes the search for meaning, understanding, concepts, characteristics, symptoms, symbols and descriptions of a phenomenon; focused and multi-method, natural and holistic; prioritizing quality, using several methods, and presented in a narrative manner.

From the other side and in simple terms it can be said that the purpose of qualitative research is to find answers to a phenomenon or question through the application of scientific procedures systematically using a qualitative approach (Yusuf, 2013: 334).  

According to Sugiyono (2013:7), the qualitative research method is called a new method, because of its recent popularity, it is called postpositivistic because it is based on the philosophy of postpositivism.

This method is also called the artistic method because the research is more artistic (less patterned) and is called the interpretive method because the research data is more related to the interpretation of the data found in the fiel.

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Results and Discussion

Based on the interviews and observations that have been made, we can describe Instagram social media as the main social media used by UIN Jakarta students. In this study, we obtained results regarding the use of social media Instagram that UIN Jakarta students are very diverse in their use.       

Instagram is very smart in attracting the interest that people (students) need in social media starting from the variety of features it provides and then the freedom that everyone gets to express what they like. The following is the result of the narrative from the interview:

1. In Instagram there are many features that can make users bring out their creativity, what features make you feel at home?

“Actually, there are many features that I use on Instagram, what I like the most is the instastory feature which is added with filters on Instagram, there are funny filters and filters that make me confident. In addition to Instagram stories, I also often use the reels, feeds, and live features so that people can know where I am and can directly interact with my friends. That’s why I use Instagram as my main online media.”

2. Before the existence of Instagram there were a lot of social media in the public, what made you prefer to use Instagram social media?

“Before I used Instagram I had time to use Facebook for my social media but the emergence of Instagram and people prefer Instagram I also use Instagram because on Instagram there are lots of cool and exciting features.”

3. As long as you use Instagram, what obstacles have you experienced?

“Actually, I don’t have too many obstacles, but maybe from the consumption of quotas that drain a lot.”

According to the interviews we did above and our response to the answers given, according to our research, Instagram has several shortcomings that can make some people (students) burdened, for example, as in the use of internet quotas in the use of Instagram which according to some the students we interviewed really drained their internet quota, but we certainly didn’t see it from one side only, behind Instagram which was very quota draining, there were a lot of things that Instagram presented, starting from funny features, freedom of opinion, comfortable communication, and so on that makes Instagram have the potential to attract the interest of many users to make Instagram the main social media used by students/ other young people.

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Then in the next interview it was still the same as the previous question, but the answer was different.

1. In Instagram there are many features that can make users bring out their creativity, what features make you feel at home?

“I like the Instagram feature because it has an Instastory feature because in Insta Stories you can expose our daily activities and see the lives of other people too. then reels, I often also use this feature, because with this feature you can view very diverse videos. Such as funny videos, cooking tutorials and much more.”

2. Before the existence of Instagram there were a lot of social media in the public, what made you prefer to use Instagram social media?

“Because Instagram social media has become an axis for various other social media, and Instagram social media is very comfortable using features that even exist on other social media.”

3. As long as you use Instagram, what obstacles have you experienced?

”As an Android user, I really regret the Instastory feature, especially the Boomerang feature, because this feature isn’t as smooth and good as IOS or Iphone users. Then sometimes my account logs out by itself, even this happens not only to one account, but also to other accounts.


The results of the research that have been carried out show that UIN Jakarta students who have become informants of our research, it can be concluded that these UIN Jakarta students make Instagram social media their main social media because the informants are very satisfied with the features available on Instagram such as instastory.

Which was added to the filter on Instagram, the informant admitted that with the filter he was confident and there were funny features.

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Another reason for informants using Instagram social media as the main social media is because there are rarely obstacles that occur in the Instagram application, because the informants previously used the Facebook social media application, where social media was incomplete such as Instagram social media, starting from features and posts.

1. Ahmad Naufal Oktavian
2. Faiz Ahmad Fawzy
3. Abid Ahbabullah
4. Wahyunengsih
Mahasiswa Jurnalistik UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Editor: Ika Ayuni Lestari

Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi

Daftar Pustaka

Andri Juli Prama, (2020), Penggunaan Instagram dalam Memenuhi Kebutuhan Eksistensi pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam.

Farid, Farhatin Naily, Pratiwi Rahma Fijri, (2021), Media Instagram sebagai Media Publikasi Karya Mahasiswa DKV ISI Surakarta di Masa Pandemi Covid-19.

Nabilah, Jumroni, Hermansah tantan, Nasichah, (2022), Hubungan Antara Motif dan Kepuasaan Mahasiswa dalam Mengakses Instagram.

Nissa Khoiriyyah Fitri, Sukayawati Fitri, Indriana Willy Muhammad, (2022), Pengaruh Instagram terhadap Gaya Hidup Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Nusantara.

Rejeki Sri, Komalawati Euis, Indriyati Poppy, (2020), Penggunaan Instagram terhadap Citra Diri Mahasiswa.

Rohmah Siti, (2018), Interaksi Sosial Mahasiswa di Media Sosial Instagram.

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