Lack of People’s Views on Culture

People's Views on Culture
Illustration of Indonesian Culture (Source: Social Media)

One of the most essential components of human identity is culture. It includes everything that shapes a society’s way of life, including language, customs, art, and social standards. Regretfully, nevertheless, in many parts of the world, a lack of awareness and understanding of culture is frequently a cause for concern.


Confusing Stereotypes

Stereotypes that obscure the diversity of cultures are among the main causes of the issue. Clichés and shallow representations of cultures are frequently used, ignoring their richness and diversity. For instance, despite the obvious distinctions between nations like China, India, and Japan, Asian cultures are sometimes viewed as a single homogenous entity.

Bacaan Lainnya

Stereotyping of this nature not only obscures the distinctive cultural features of every community, but it also stifles inquiry and the will to learn more. People might thus pass up the chance to discover and value the diverse culture that surrounds them.


Lack of in-depth Education

Learning about culture is frequently given insufficient attention in formal schooling in many nations. Curriculum frequently ignores or only briefly mentions culture because it places an excessive amount of emphasis on fundamental disciplines like math and science. As a result, young people do not have a sufficient awareness of their own or other people’s cultural history as they grow up.


Influence of Technology and Globalization

Globalization and technology have advanced many areas, but they have also created new difficulties for the preservation of culture. More than ever, technology makes it easier than ever to share cultures, although this is frequently accompanied by commercialization and cultural distortion.

For instance, “cultural appropriation” is a trend that has been fueled by the development of social media. In this phenomenon, members of one group’s culture are utilized or promoted by others from another group without the original group’s awareness or appreciation.

However, by bringing in conflicting ideals, globalization also poses a threat to the survival of regional cultures. The domination of the more powerful majority culture in terms of politics and economy frequently results in the marginalization of minority cultures (Irmania et al., 2021).


Steps to Address Lack of Cultural Understanding

In order to overcome this obstacle, specific actions must be performed:

1. Better Cultural Education:

Sufficient cultural resources, such as historical, artistic, linguistic, and traditional elements, should be incorporated into school curricula.

2. Intercultural Discussion:

To encourage the sharing of ideas and experiences across cultural boundaries, intercultural discussion initiatives should be improved.

3. Assistance for Local Communities:

It is important to assist local communities in preserving and enhancing their own cultural heritage.

4. Responsibility of the Media and Entertainment Industry:

It is the industry’s duty to dispel cultural stereotypes rather than promote them.

5. Pro-Cultural Government Policies:

Policies that uphold cultural diversity and safeguard cultural heritage must be put in place by governments (Oktawirawan & Yudiarso, 2020).


The problem of not appreciating and comprehending culture is complicated and difficult. But we can make sure that our cultural legacy endures and thrives for many more generations if people, communities, governments, and the commercial sector work together.

We can only protect the richness of this priceless human legacy by placing a high priority on cultural appreciation, understanding, and preservation.


Author: Fadhli Rahman Ar Rasyid
Arabic Language Education Student, Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. Hamka

Editor: Salwa Alifah Yusrina
Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi



Irmania, E., Trisiana, A., & Salsabila, C. (2021). Upaya mengatasi pengaruh negatif budaya asing terhadap generasi muda di Indonesia. Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta, 23(1), 148–160.

Oktawirawan, D. H., & Yudiarso, A. (2020). Analisis Dampak Sosial, Budaya, dan Psikologis Lajang di Indonesia. Pamator Journal, 13(2), 213–217.


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