Recognizing Psychological Abuse in Children

Psychological Abuse in Children
Ilustrastion of Child Psychological Abuse (Source: Social Media of

Child abuse is an act of physical or psychological violence that can endanger health (Fauziah, 2021). In addition to disturbing health, psychological violence can also cause fear and trauma. Even if the victim of violence is severe enough, mental disorders will occur (Ariani, Asih, 2022).

There are verbal and non-verbal forms of violence against children, verbal violence is violence that occurs without physically involving children such as yelling, mocking, and threatening. Meanwhile, non-verbal violence is violence that is carried out physically, such as hitting, pinching and all forms of violence that physically injure children (Rahmawati, 2021).

In general, the number of verbal and non-verbal child abuse according to data in 2022 was mostly experienced by children aged 6-12 years and adolescents aged 13-17 years (Kompas, 2022).

Bacaan Lainnya

This violence occurs due to several contributing factors one of which is a family that is not harmonious and psychologically immature, less desirable children in the family, and a bad social environment (Sholihah, Nurhayati, 2022).

Given the increasing number of child abuse cases, Therefore it is necessary Recognize the importance of good and effective parenting to reduce verbal and non-verbal forms of violence perpetrated by parents, caregivers, and teachers who interact more with children (xiao, obsuth, meinck, murray, 2023).

Home and school environments are the main sources of child abuse, because children spend more time at home with their parents, and at school with their teachers and friends (Sururin, 2020).

This violence arises because of bad behavior from children that causes parents and teachers to get angry and commit violence, especially psychological violence. However, they forget to link the behavior that arises with the mental state of children who still need a lot of guidance from the adults around them (Mahmud, 2019).

However, teachers and parents argue that violence is a way to discipline children (Adikara, 2020). In fact, children are unique creatures and cannot be equated with adults, they still need special treatment and stable emotions, because then children will feel safe (Sururin, 2020).

Conversely, if the treatment of both parents, caregivers and teachers towards children tends to be use violence, then children will experience difficulties in managing emotions, and tend to experience limited social development and lack of confidence (Ariani, Asih, 2022).

Therefore, parents and caregivers as the closest people must have the awareness that violence in any form is very detrimental to child development. In addition, the closest people such as family and society need to participate in helping to realize and remind that violence in any form is not easy to do (Ramadhani, Nurwati, 2022).

There are still many children who experience violence, mostly perpetrated by parents, caregivers and teachers. This is caused by parents’ lack of knowledge in educating children and the pretext of violence as a form of educating children’s discipline. Even though this can trigger trauma in children (Ramadhani, Nurwati, 2022).

There are still many parents who do not have awareness and know that the impact of violence on children is very fatal, especially if it is done continuously (Ary, 2022).


Author: Sarah Mariam
Psychology Student, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Editor: I. Khairunnisa
Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi



Ramadhani & Nurwati, (2022). Pentingnya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Orang Tua Agar Tidak                                           Melakukan Tindak kekerasan terhadap anak. (Fisip UNPAD)

Ariani & Asih. (2022). Dampak Kekerasan Pada Anak. (Universitas hindu Negeri 1 Gusti Bagus Sugrima Denpasar).

Ary. (2022). Kekerasan Terhadap Anak. (STAI Taruna Surabaya).

Mahmud. (2019). Kekerasan Verbal Pada Anak. (Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Islam Negeri Bone.

Sururin. (2020). Kekerasan Pada Anak (Perspektif Psikologi). (Sekretaris HIDMAT Muslimat NU Pusat).

Adikara. (2020). Banyak Guru Dan Orng Tua Anggap Kekerasan Adalah Bentuk Kedisiplinan. (

Sholihah & Nurhayati (2020). Pencegahan Kekerasan Terhadap Anak Di Sekolah Melslui Pola Asuh Islami. (Prodi Hukum Keluarga, STAINU Tasikmalaya).

Rahmawati. (2021). Kekerasan Verbal Dan Non Verbal Pada Anak. (

Fauziah. (2021). Bentuk Kekerasan Pada Anak Dan Dampaknya. (dp3ak.jatimprov).

Kompas Data. (2022). Korban Kekerasan Berdasarkan Usia Pada Tahun 2022.


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