An Impact of Thailand Dialects and Accents in The English Language

Thailand Dialects

By: Christine D Susmita J 20091102194
University of Sam Ratulangi


This article describes every regional has their own dialects and accents. Same as Thailand, their dialects and accents is so unique when they talk the intonations of sounds more high and long. English is the top of global language, all the country connected by this language. In this era every country must know English language. The problem is the dialects and accents when speaking English. The pronouns will change in each country same as Thailand who have a unique dialects and accents. The method to see how an impact Thailand dialect and accents is descriptive to know the impact. The result is dialects and accents is very influential especially the tone of voice.

Keyword: Dialects, Accents, Thailand, English Language

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Background Knowledge

According to Christine Kenneally in her book “The First Word,” “Today there are about 6,000 languages in the world, and half of the world’s population speaks only 10 of them. English is the top global language in the world. It means that someone dialects and accents will have impact when use English language.

Dialect, a variety of language that indicates where a person comes from. The term is generally interpreted geographically (regional dialect), but also has some application in relation to a person’s social origin (class dialect) or occupation (professional dialect). The term accent has multiple meanings, but in speaking, an accent is an identifiable style of pronunciation that often varies regionally or even socioeconomically. “Accents have to be distinguished from dialects. An accent is a person’s distinctive pronunciation.

A dialect is a much broader notion: it refers to the distinctive vocabulary and grammar of someone’s use of language. If you say eether and I say iyther, that’s accent. We use the same word but pronounce it differently. But if you say I’ve got a new dustbin and I say I’ve gotten a new garbage can, that’s dialect. We’re using different word and sentence patterns to talk about the same thing,” (Crystal and Crystal 2014). Tinglish (or Thaiglish, Thenglish, Thailish, Thainglish, etc.) refers to any shape of English combined with or closely prompted through Thai. It is generally produced through local Thai audio system because of language interference from the primary language.

Formulation of the problem:

How an impact of Thailand dialects and accents in the English language?


To know an impact of Thailand dialects and accents in the English language

Research Method

Research Design

Ary (2010: 426) states that, research design is the researcher’s plan of how to proceed to gain an understanding of some group or some phenomenon in its context. Based on that theory, the research design of this research is descriptive design with qualitative approach. According to Gay (1992: 217), descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study. A descriptive study determines and reports the way things are. Descriptive research is scientific research that describes about event, phenomena or fact systematically dealing with certain area or population. In this study, the descriptive research was done in YouTube. The focus of this research was to find out how the dialects and accents Thailand when speak English

Subject of the Research

In this research, the researches choose the YouTube’s account Just Enya and Facebook’s account Smile Squad. During data selection and source, researches find the descriptive video concise and easy to understand and easy to analysis from Just Enya.  It meant that the researcher not takes a subject randomly to get appropriate data in this research.

Data and Data Source

The research data is where data was taken from YouTube not only YouTube but in Social Media Facebook. The researches analysis that how they speak English with the dialect and accent. Technique collecting data is watch the video and write the dialects and accents.  


Research Result

From the research that the research took is when Thailand dialect and accent combined in English language the last word voice long and there was a Tinglish Characteristics and Examples.

  • Omission of pronouns and of the verb be.
  • Use of present tense + “already” instead of past tense.
  • Non-use or incorrect use of articles, declension and conjugation.
  • Addition of Thai final particles, e.g. I don’t know na.
  • Frequent confusion between any and every.
  • General misunderstanding of conditional constructions.
  • Pronunciation of silent letters in a word.
  • Inability [citation needed] to speak consecutive consonants. E.g. “Sprite” pronounced “Sa-pa-rite” or “Universal” pronunced “U-ni-ver-Sal”.
  • Use of double negatives.
  • Lallation of the H and S pronunciation (and especially the pronunciation of r as l).

Examples of Tinglish Language:

Him boxing you (He will punch you).
I’m sad when my mother angry me (means is angry with me).
Are you boring? ­(Do you feel bored?).
I’m interesting in football (means “I am interested in watching/playing football”).

Another example:

Gooood morniiinnggg everybody, hoooww arrreee yoouu?
Also, when talk their must focus on sound as the second syllable. When Thailand dialect and accent in English they don’t have to care about the final sound of a syllable and always put the ER thing the word that ends up with ER

For example:

  1. Happy = Heppiii
  2. Market = Ma-ket
  3. Ugly = Akgli
  4. Stupid = Styupid
  5. Wait = weeiit
  6. Talk = taK
  7. Box = boK
  8. Operator = OperatER
  9. Longer = LongER


An impact of Thailand dialect and accent in English language is voice changing or changing of sound and it sound really unique because all the sentence and word from Thailand must be long and must be focus on second syllable and ignored the last word when it final sound and put ER thing on the word that ends up with ER. This not bother you to sound like this but it makes you be a unique person because the dialect and accent. This is must keep the dialect and accent so the culture won’t have lost.


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