Impact Use of Gadgets in Early Childhood

Gadgets in Early Childhood
Impact Use of Gadgets in Early Childhood.

We have know that, actually progress and sophistication technology very fast and increasing develop. Many​ technology sophisticated creation​ can make something big change​ in life humans in various field. Like field communication, interaction and also social.

With rapidly a civilization which is where is here is a technology, then will felt the impact too from progress the impact can divided into 2, namely, Impact Negative and Impact Positive.

Impact Negative is possible impact​ give rise to down integrity, image and also dignity. And Impact Positive is possible impact​ bring we the more be confident and move forward to self himself, nation, and state.

Bacaan Lainnya

The following are the impacts of using gadgets in early childhood:

Positive impact

Gadgets can have a positive impact on the child’s development, which leads to the cognitive and affective domains, such as the child’s communication, social, and psychological development (Nihaya et al., 2024).

  1. Improved Communication: That gadgets can facilitate the child’s communication to be easy and efficient, which allows individuals to connect quickly and efficiently, an example of what is happening now is the child’s communication with school friends or school teachers.
  2. Increased Knowledge: We already know that knowledge is obtained not only in the classroom, knowledge can be obtained from various types of media, one of which is technology media or cellphones. In gadgets there are now online books, and also social media which contains content about knowledge.
  3. Entertainment: In gadget there is a lot of content that can be entertaining, such as comedy content, parodies, and others.
  4. Preparation for Facing the Digital Era: we already know that we are now heading towards the digital era, where in our lives we are currently experiencing conditions of progress in the realm of life towards an all-digital direction, such as digital payments (QRIS) and others. We don’t need cash for that buy and pay something.

Baca Juga: Menghadapi Tantangan Era Digital: Dampak Gadget pada Kesehatan Mental Anak-anak

Impact Negative

Regular use of gadgets excessive can give rise to various negative impact on development behavior, pattern think to the child age early, following a number of impact negative:

  1. Anti Social Behavior: Excessive use of gadgets can cause child become antisocial and difficult in interact with environment closest, though should child in age early more fun play with friend peers who need it lots his interaction to environment around, with the aim that in the future the child become active and capable in communicate.
  2. Impact Emotional: On This if the child too lots use up the time with eating gadgets will arise the child ‘s emotions are lacking stable, easy angry and easy rebel if activity the gadget disturbed.
  3. Decreased Focus and Productivity: The advantages of gadgets can be enable the child difficult to focus deeply matter study, and become lazy inside activity a day, though should child age early must more Lots use up time for study lots matter.

Addiction and also addiction child on gadgets can causing the child more prioritize playing gadgets than activity others, even can until ignore instruction from parents, and impact the negative from use of this gadget influence development brain frontal cortex and has other effects like cocaine (Machmud et al., 2022).


To avoid too much negative impact in, then we as an adult even parents​ must have attitude not quite enough answer and also have to have a solution for the child, here is the solution for helping parents​ accompany child in using gadgets regularly responsible responsible and effective:

  1. Parental Involvement: Parents​ must participate active in use of children’s gadgets, with method give guidance, establishing a limitation, and monitoring accessed content​ aim for ensure more use​ positive and responsible answer.
  2. Communication with the child: This encourage parents to open up in matter communication between parents and children​ about use of gadgets, and also encourage discussion regarding restrictions on gadget use, appropriate content, and its importance balance between activity productive and use of gadgets.
  3. Balancing Activities: Parents​ must push it’s the child that importance balance use of gadgets with activity others, like playing outside​ roomm reading, interaction social, and activities creative.

Baca Juga: Pemanfaatan Gadget sebagai Media Informasi dan Strategi Pemasaran Bisnis

There by impact from use of gadgets in children age early, then from It has been should We as a more mature adult understand than the child role model and also care to the child’s development, starting from development knowledge, development social, and developmental others for children grow in accordance with ours​ hope that in the future become smart kid​ useful for the surrounding community. Maxim Arab say “as good good man is the good one Budi character and useful for others.”

Penulis: Adam Setiawan
Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka

Editor: Ika Ayuni Lestari

Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi

Ikuti berita terbaru di Google News


Machmud, K., A.J. Pauweni, A., H Majalia, A., & Djahara, W. (2022). Pengaruh Penggunaan Gadget Pada Anak Usia Dini Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Jambura Early Childhood Education Journal, 4(2), 144–156.

Nihaya, F., Rahmawati, A., & Nurjanah, N. E. (2024). Dampak Penggunaan Gadget Pada Perilaku Sosial Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun. Kumara Cendekia, 12(1), 85.

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