Indonesia has a Drug Emergency

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In Indonesia, drugs continue to be a major issue that the government is trying to address. Drug misuse has negative effects on one’s social, physical, and financial well-being.

The government uses a variety of strategies, such as outreach, rehabilitation, and law enforcement, to fight drug misuse and trafficking. But because there is still a lot of illegal drug demand and delivery in Indonesia, the battle against drugs faces significant obstacles.

Keyword: Drug, Government, Indonesia.

Bacaan Lainnya


The words “narcotics” and “illegal drugs” are shortened to “narkoba.” Substances classified as drugs generally relate to chemicals or medications that have the potential to lead to behavioural changes, dependence, and adverse effects on the physical and mental well-being of users. Drugs can lead to major issues like abuse, addiction, and even death when used illegally.

Drug trafficking is a major issue to Indonesia, as it is becoming more pervasive and unsettling the populace. Despite the government’s numerous attempts to combat this issue, drug trafficking persists using a variety of strategies. In both public policy and law enforcement, the drug crisis has assumed a central role.

Drug usage has grown to be a major issue that affects many nations worldwide. Society as a whole suffers from the bad effects in addition to the individuals who use it. This essay seeks to examine a number of drug-related topics, such as contributing variables, societal effects, and implementable preventative methods.

“With a better understanding of this problem, it is hoped that we can take more effective steps to combat the spread of drugs and protect future generations from the threats they pose.”

Depending on the survey’s methodology and source, figures on drug use in Indonesia can change. Nonetheless, surveys are frequently cited from organizations like the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the National Narcotics Agency (BNN).

One significant survey is the National Survey on Drug Abuse, which BNN and BPS conducted. The most widely used drug classes, user demographics, and associated variables are typically included in these surveys, which offer a reasonably complete picture of drug usage trends in Indonesia.(Lukman et al., 2022)

The Problem’s Magnitude

In Indonesia, drug trafficking has escalated to a concerning degree. Drug trafficking is widespread, both in urban and rural areas. This harms not just the individual users but also the nations’ social and economic structures.

Numerous negative repercussions on both people and society at large can result from drug use. Some typical side effects of medication use include the following.

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Impact on Society and Economy

Drug usage has a highly negative social impact. beginning with a decline in output at work, followed by the disintegration of families, and the rise in drug-related violent incidents. The economy is also affected by rising health care expenses and possible human capital depletion.

  1. Dependence: Dependency is one of the most harmful outcomes of drug usage. Drug users who use them frequently may feel strongly that they should keep using them even after learning about the harmful effects.
  2. Physical Health Impacts: Substance abuse can lead to a number of physical health issues, such as internal organ damage, respiratory, cardiac, and immune system suppression.
  3. Impact on Mental Health: Medication side effects may include anxiety, depression, or psychosis. Additionally, users may encounter memory issues and cognitive impairment.
  4. Risk Behaviour: Using drugs is frequently linked to risky behaviour, including driving under the influence, unprotected sex, and violence. This can be detrimental to the drug user as well as those in their immediate vicinity.
  5. Social Problems: Abuse, criminality, divorce, and unemployment are just a few of the social issues that drug use can lead to. The legal and medical systems of a nation may be burdened by this.
  6. Overdose and Death: Using drugs can result in deadly overdoses, particularly when doing so in high doses or risky combinations. One of the most frequent causes of drug-related deaths is drug overdose.

Understanding that the effects of drug usage might differ based on the kind of substance, dosage, frequency of use, personal characteristics, and environmental circumstances is crucial.

Efforts to Mitigate

To address the drug crisis, the Indonesian government has implemented a number of initiatives. From a law enforcement standpoint, the police and other relevant institutions are still engaged in eliminating narcotics networks. Education and rehabilitation programs for drug users also help to boost efforts at prevention and rehabilitation.

Problems and Solutions

Drug control still faces many obstacles despite the numerous efforts that have been made. One of them is the advancement of technology, which drug cartels employ to spread these illegal items. As a result, it is crucial to increase global collaboration in the fight against narcotics.

A comprehensive approach is still necessary today to deal with drug usage effectively. Several pertinent remedies consist of:

  1. Education and Awareness: Successful campaigns to increase public knowledge of the risks and repercussions associated with drug use.
  2. Access to Mental Health Services: Give people who use drugs more opportunities to receive mental health services, such as counseling and rehabilitation.
  3. Prevention: Programs for prevention concentrate on risk factors like stress, social pressure, and poor decision-making abilities that lead to drug use.
  4. Law Enforcement: Tight enforcement of the law against the distribution and usage of drugs, including initiatives to stop the trafficking of illegal drugs.
  5. Establishing Social Support: Assisting those who wish to break free from the pattern of drug use by creating a network of friends, family, and the community.
  6. Programs for the Development of Life Skills: These include social skills, decision-making abilities, and emotion regulation abilities. These abilities can help people face obstacles in life without the need of medicines.
  7. Inter-Sector Collaboration: Efforts to combat drug use can be more effectively coordinated when they involve the government, business, civil society organizations, and international institutions.

The significance of integrating these different strategies in order to produce noteworthy outcomes in resolving the drug use issue of today.(Tarbiyah et al., 2017).

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Indonesia’s efforts to address the drug crisis will not be easy. To solve this issue, cross-sector and cross-national collaboration are required.

It is hoped that Indonesia can solve the drug crisis and establish a safer and healthier environment for all of its residents through cooperative efforts between the government, society, and relevant institutions.In summary Indonesia’s efforts to address the drug crisis will not be easy.

To solve this issue, cross-sector and cross-national collaboration are required. It is hoped that Indonesia can solve the drug crisis and establish a safer and healthier environment for all of its residents through cooperative efforts between the government, society, and relevant institutions.

Penulis: Muhammad Zidane
Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Universitas Prof. Dr. Hamka

Editor: Ika Ayuni Lestari

Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi

Ikuti berita terbaru di Google News

Daftar Pustaka

Lukman, G. A., Alifah, A. P., Divarianti, A., & Humaedi, S. (2022). Kasus Narkoba Di Indonesia Dan Upaya Pencegahannya Di Kalangan Remaja. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPPM), 2(3), 405.

Tarbiyah, F., Keguruan, D., Smh, U. “, Serang, “, & Hasibuan, A. A. (2017). Narkoba dan Penanggulangannya. Narkoba Dan Penanggulangannya, 11(1), 31–41.

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