Society 5.0: Will It Have An Impact On Education?

Society 5.0 On Education

One of the educational challenges that will be faced is the influence of Society 5.0. Society 5.0 is the concept of a society where humans are at the center and will live side by side with existing technology. The Japanese government first coined this concept. Society 5.0 is expected to consummation and answer the challenges from the previous era, Society: 4.0.

In development, Society 5.0 is claimed to have a good impact on education. For example, learning will be more accessible because various kinds of technology can help teachers and students in schools. In this pandemic era, teachers can still teach, even though they do not meet. By using zoom or other video conferencing applications, teachers can still guide well. In addition, students can access learning materials whenever and wherever students are. Thus, the learning process may no longer occur in the classroom, but it can be anywhere. But due to all the information that is easily accessible, this creates an instantaneous tradition in students. Students will become spoiled and not alone anymore because everything needed is right in front of their eyes. Therefore, there needs to be students’ soft-skill to face society 5.0.

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As technology develops, students are required to improve the soft skill they will have. There are three abilities it is must be possessed by students: problem solves, critical thinking, and creativity. By easy information access, students are required to have these three abilities to be applied at school and in the community. This soft skill urges students to solve complex problems and hone students’ creativity so that they can coexist with technology in society 5.0. All of this can be achieved if all parties are involved.

Society 5.0 not only has an impact on students, but it also has an impact on teachers. Teachers are challenged to be ready to access and mastery technology. In addition, changing the curriculum is also a challenge that teachers will face. Teachers are required to offer creative ideas in teaching. Learning patterns no longer refer to ancient methods and techniques, but there must be a touch of creativity using technology in it. Therefore, the role of the government in providing educational facilities and infrastructure should be prioritized so that the implementation of learning takes place smoothly in the era of society 5.0.

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So far, the government has prepared several efforts to face society 5.0 in education. The government changed the KTSP curriculum to the 2013 curriculum by implementing the HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) learning system. In addition, to support the improvement of human resources and equal distribution of teachers, the government has programmed PPG, MGMP empowerment, and the SM-3T program to educate remote areas in Indonesia jointly. Although the government has prepared facilities to support learning little by little, there are still some shortcomings in some schools. Therefore, the government is required to be able to accelerate the improvement of these facilities.

In conclusion, Society 5.0 needs to aware because it will have a significant impact on education in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to synchronize the learning infrastructure with the technology used to face society 5.0. Therefore, all parties involved in the learning and intellectualization of the nation’s children must take part.

Amy Phylana Sisilia
Mahasiswa Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Editor: Diana Pratiwi

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