The Benefits Of Drinking Water Daily

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You can drink many kinds of drinks as part of your daily water consumption to help you complete every activity successfully.

But there’s only one kind of water that’s ideal to have drink is mineral water. Water is an important in our life, most of our bodies consist of water.

Without water humans will become dehydrated and die quickly than without food, water functions to transport minerals, vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients throughout the body.

The balance of body temperature will greatly depend on water, because water is a lubricant for body tissues as well as a cushion for joints, bones, and muscles.

Consuming enough water can improve hormon function, improve the liver’s ability to break down and release fat, and reduce feelings of hunger. On the other hand lack of water can cause constipation, urinary tract infections, the formation of kidney stones, fatigue, and problems with the skin, hair and nails.

Based on scientific research entitled “water, hydration and health” in the journal nutrition reviews in 2010, as much as 75 persen of the human body’s weight consists of water.

This water regulates all system in the body. Starting from brain function, digestive system, respiratory system and others.

Therefore every human being is required to consume 8 glasses of water per day to maintain body health. Drinking water also can help eliminate toxins and your metabolism will run more smoothly.

Thus will help us stomatch ulcers and constipation as well as other benefits but often we are too busy and neglected by various activites.

Not only with the right amount, water will certainly maximize it’s benefits if consumed at the right times. First, the right time to consume water is when you wake up.

When sleeping, the body does not get enough drinking water intake so that it is dehydrated. This must be overcome by drinking enough water to normalize the fluids in our body. Secondly, it is also important to drink water before and after exercise.

During exercise, the body loses fluids and electrolytes through sweat. Therefore, it is very important to help the body replenish the lost fluids so as to improve physical, mental and exercise performance.

Thirdly, water is also best consumed before and after meals. Drinking one glass of water before a meal can make one feel fuller and avoid overeating. Fourth, drinking water can be done when you are sleepy or feel tired in the afternoon.

This condition is usually caused by lack of fluids after a busy day and this is normal. Finally, drinking water is good to do when you have a headache or migraine.

According to the National Headache Foundation, headaches and migraines can be symptoms of dehydration that need to be watched out for.

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The water consumed should certainly not be arbitrary water. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 907 of 2002, drinking water is water that goes through a treatment process or without a treatment process that meets health requirements and can be drunk directly.

The conditions for good drinking water are tasteless, odorless, colorless, does not contain harmful microorganisms, and does not contain heavy metals.

In addition, before buying bottled water, we must ensure that the water packaging is in good condition, not leaking, and still sealed.

Then, the water must also have obtained a distribution permit from the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM). These are very important points to know so that we can ensure that the water we drink is of good quality.

Fun Facts Of Drinking Water

1. The most common material is water.

2. Water isn’t actually that abundant on earth.

3. Dropping and volcanic activity created water.

4. The source conflict could perhaps be water.

5. The water you drink is quite ancient.

These are some air related facts. This is why we can’t allow these element to leave us. We should be aware of the standard of mineral water that is suitable for us to drink using the water we regulary eat or drink.

Because water may be used for a lot of different things. Especially for taking a bath, cleaning dishes, and doing other daily tasks.

In addition this type of water can’t guarantee that the mineral content is at a level suitable for consumption by many people.

Water that is safe for drinking needs to satisfy specific requirements such as being clear, not muddy colorless, taste less and smelly. It is safe to drink if that has been established.

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Additionaly, water can be used as a natural treatment to treatf human health issues . water was the most effective meditation back then.

Before we even knew what medication were, because drinking support the body’s immunology requirements for good health.

When it comes to treating diseases, water is healthier to traditional treatment since it acts as chemical ,removing diseases and other infections that typically to harm do your body.

Water drinkers will therefore be healthier and more then usual.

Importance of Drinking Water

1. Water helps energize muscles

2. Water helps skin looking good

3. Water helps your kidneys

4. Water helps maintain normal bowel function

5. Water can help control calories

6. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids

You have to Drink water in the morning may offer some health benefits. Especially if a person swirches out an alternative morning drink for water.

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Below Are The Benefits of Drinking Mineral Water After Waking Up

1. Manage your appetite

Here, one benefit of consuming water right after waking up is that it minimizes hunger. The reason for this is that water has the ability to expand and fill the stomach walls, producing a full effect.

2. Boosts metabolic rate

The reason is that when you drink water on an empty stomach, your metabolism might shoot up to 25%. The body will become more energized with a smooth metabolism, making activities more comfortable.

3. Supports the preservation of healthy skin

This is because water amounts up 30% of skin, and drinking water first thing in the morning is said to reduce acne and hydrate skin.

4. Remove toxins from the body

Drinking water in the morning help in the body’s removal of toxins or metabolic waste generated throughout the night. Later, the kidneys will filter the poison and remove it in the form of urine.

5. Enhance the body’s filter

Drinking water early in the morning helps energize the body and reduce morning fatigue.

6. Increasing the Function of Body Organs

Aids in the kidneys’ removal of waste products from the body while they function.
urinary tract: Increasing water consumption helps stop the development of urinary tract stones, called urolithiasis.

Heart system: To ensure that the heart organs are functioning as intended, the body must consume enough water.

Additionally, blood vessel function and blood pressure are negatively impacted by dehydration.
Water lubricates the joints and bones, reducing discomfort and inflammation.

Penulis: As-syifa Rahma Awalliyah

Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

Editor: Anita Said

Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi



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