PPKM Level Lowered: How Is The Current Situation in Tomohon City?

ppkm level lowered tomohon

The PPKM level in Tomohon City, North Sulawesi has dropped to PPKM level 2 said the Head of the Surveillance and Immunization Section of the North Sulawesi Regional Health Office, Mery Pasorong, Thursday (21/10/2021). Which makes the community more flexible to carry out activities in Tomohon City.

This all happened thanks to the government’s efforts and the community’s compliance in implementing the health protocols and following the vaccine stages 1 and 2.

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Bacaan Lainnya

Due to the declining level of PPKM, life in Tomohon City is now more flexible than before, and mobility is increasing. There are already many schoolchildren on the streets, many shops and restaurants are open until late at night different from before. Even tourist attractions in the city of Tomohon which are the most sought-after places for outsiders have now been reopened by strictly implementing health protocols.

An Interview with Several People In The City of Tomohon

“Currently, the City of Tomohon has started its activities with the New Normal condition and has brought the economy back to normal,” said one of the people of the city of tomohon who works as an online motorcycle taxi.

“Currently, life in Tomohon is more comfortable than before, there is less pressure, and because most of Tomohon residents have received the vaccine, they now feel safer than before.”

Said the person who works as a makeup artist in the city of Tomohon.

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The decrease in the PPKM level in the city of Tomohon coupled with the decline in Covid cases, makes the city of Tomohon a place that is not afraid to be visited again, and thus the economy in the city of Tomohon can return to how it used to be.

Anastasia Puah
Mahasiswa Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Editor: Diana Pratiwi

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