The Excitement of BISPRO UPNVJT Students Visiting Rumah Pintar Cendikia Juanda: Learning About History and Innovation

English for Business and Professional Communication
BISPRO UPNVJT Students Visiting Rumah Pintar Cendikia Juanda,

Students from the English for Business and Professional Communication program at UPN “Veteran” East Java visited Rumah Pintar Cendikia located in Juanda. The purpose of this visit, along with their lecturers, was to learn about and understand the management system and the history of Rumah Pintar.

The activities began with a visit to the reading area, where they had the opportunity to meet one of the Rumah Pintar managers, Mr. Marsudi. Mr. Marsudi narrated the history of Rumah Pintar, which originated from the 1998 tsunami disaster in Aceh.

This devastating event claimed over 200,000 lives and caused profound trauma to the survivors, especially the children. One inspiring story from this tragedy is the idea of Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono to entertain the children affected by the tsunami.

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Witnessing the suffering of children who had lost everything, Mrs. Ani initiated bringing toys to the refugee camps in Aceh. These toys proved immensely helpful in lifting the spirits and providing entertainment for the traumatized children.

From this success, the idea arose to bring more books, toys, and dolls using a motorbike that traveled to various refugee locations. During the first three months, the motorbike moved from place to place but proved ineffective. It was then replaced by a car, yet the results were still inadequate.

This led to the concept of establishing a permanent building specifically to entertain and educate children, which was inaugurated on December 22, 2009.

Rumah Pintar is designed with five main centers to meet various children’s needs:

  1. Book Center: Provides books that children can read and borrow;
  2. Computer Center: Offers computer learning facilities, group exercises, and educational films;
  3. Stage Center: A place to showcase talents like coloring, singing, and playing drama;
  4. Play Center: Includes an outbound area, feeding animals, and traditional games;
  5. Craft Center: Teaches skills such as batik making, sewing, and handicrafts.

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The success of Rumah Pintar in Aceh inspired Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono to establish Rumah Pintar across Indonesia. To date, around 520 Rumah Pintar have been established, involving universities, the military, and various other institutions.

However, less than 20 of them remain active today. Many closed due to a lack of creativity and good management; they were only provided with facilities without engaging programs.

One of the Rumah Pintar that nearly faded was Rumah Pintar Juanda. However, through facility improvements and the addition of educational programs like animal feeding and farming education, it managed to regain children’s interest. These innovative steps proved that creativity and good management are the keys to success.

In addition to hearing about the history of Rumah Pintar, BISPRO students and lecturers were given a tour of the facility and shown the activities carried out by the visitors there. They were also taught the proper way to feed the animals.

Mr. Marsudi then took the students and lecturers to visit the TNI AL aircraft museum, where he explained the workings and operations of the aircraft. At the museum, they also had the chance to watch documentary films about the history of the Indonesian Navy and its aircraft.

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According to Mr. Marsudi, the head manager of Rumah Pintar Juanda, “We need to have many ideas and innovations to maintain the sustainability of Rumah Pintar. Children need to always feel interested and happy to learn here.”

The event concluded with an airplane ride and a group photo session. This activity was very enjoyable and provided both students and lecturers with new experiences and knowledge in management, marketing, finance, communication skills, and more.

Penulis: Gymnasty Al Iza dan Nirmala Febian Faradhita
Mahasiswa English for Business and Professional Communication Student UPN “Veteran” East Java

Editor: Ika Ayuni Lestari

Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi

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