From Exclusive to Inclusive Society

Exclusive to Inclusive Society


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keadaan sosial masyarakat saat ini apakah masyarakat cenderung memiliki sikap inklusif atau memiliki sikap eksklusif dalam kehidupan sosial. Objek penelitian ini adalah masyarakat, jumlah partisipan yang terlibat adalah 53 orang. Bentuk data dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil kuisioner. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kausal komparatif, Instrumen penelitian ini kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa saat ini masyarakat cenderung memiliki sikap inklusif yaitu sikap terbuka dengan orang lain. dengan adanya inklusif sosial ini diharapkan dapat membangun kondisi sosial masyarakat yang lebih harmonis.

Keywords: Inclusive, Exclusive, Society


People today need an inclusive environment. Thus, with it all can grow and flourish. Inclusive environments can also make a harmonious life and a comfortable one. It can be achieved by one of the more inclusive ways of media application.

Bacaan Lainnya

So far, marginal groups have been left vulnerable by the majority in social construction, where media can become a haven for reality. The media played a major role in that.

Recent studies involving this title include Ruth Levitas, springer (2005), which mentions social exclusion as part of a new political language. When the labor became the government in 1997, it launched a social exclusion unit to carry out this central theme. But what does social inclusion mean? Is this the revised and renewable edition of an inclusive society? Identifying the three competing meanings in contemporary British politics, emphasizing poverty, employment, and morality.

And from TrisniawatiTrisniawati, Dinar WestriAndini, Wahyu SetyaRatri (2019) ECOBRICK AS A MEANS OF CREATING INCLUSIVE COMMUNITIES. Ecobricks as a means to create an inclusive society. This is expected to be able to overcome environmental problems, especially the management of inorganic waste through ecobricks. Which shows that the community can participate in ecobrick activities well.

The difference in this study with previous studies is the first positive reason there is more social need in society, and the second is more likely to say that inclusive is far better in social life.

Research Questions

As for the problems in this research is:

  1. Is the current social condition working well?
  2. What is social inclusive and exclusive?
  3. What social barriers do people have in their social circles?
  4. Which is more effectively inclusive or social exclusive?

Research Purpose

Based on the problem problem then the purpose of this research is:

  1. To see whether society is for good or for bad.
  2. To find out what social and inclusive is.
  3. To find out the barriers in social circles.
  4. To compare which is more effectively inclusive or exclusive social.

Signifiance of the Study

The results of this study are practically expected to contribute some thought to problem solving. The results of this study are expected to be a reference to the creation of an exclusive outreporting program on the topic society.

Theoretical benefits

The results of this study are theoretically expected to contribute to thought in enriching concepts of how a more inclusive community environment is primarily about reducing an exclusive social society.Hasil penelitian ini secara praktis diharapkan dapat menyumbangkan pemikiran terhadap pemecahan masalah yang berkaitan dengan masalah selanjutnya.

Limitation of the Study

Limitations in action times, not just multiple meetings. The urgency of searching for scientific materials was still very simple. The observer’s sincerity is beyond the reach of researchers to control it.


  • Disability, higher education and the inclusive society

C Barnes – 2007 – Taylor dan Francis



  • Djadjat Sudradjat Dewan Redaksi Media Group Inklusif Vs Eksklusif


The research is done properly. We made a survey of 53 of the people that were subjected to this research. Data collecting for social conditions is done by creating questionnaires and then sending these links to people using social media such as whatsapp, lnstagram, and so on. Then we monitor through the sophistication of current communication devices like phones and laptops.


Building an inclusive society in the social environment to make a just and growing society in the future. An inclusive society is one that is capable of accepting new things in its environment. Some forms of difference and diversity are cultural, language, gender, race, race, nation and so on. There is also a difference in physical and mental capacity, which, in turn, can be called disability. So the bottom line is that we’re in an inclusive environment should be more inclusive. How can we appreciate differences if there is no inclusive trait in us as a social society.

Even social exclusion can occasionally be present in people’s lives. Because not everyone can be open to what appears around him. Humans are social creatures who always need others. Just what is your own exclusive definition? Social exclusive isa process that hinders or, so to speak, as an individual and group impediment for participating in social, economic, and political activities. As for social exclusive things like poverty that are the main cause. There are two types of poverty, which is that absolute poverty usually means that people in poverty do not have the resources to fulfill their lives. As for relative poverty, that is up to terten society’s standards.

Based on the results of the answers we give to the community about from exclusive to social inclusive. So that we can answer the research list. These answers yes (√) and No (𝑥 )

Observation list From Exlucive to Inclusive Society

Quotations and references:

According to popper’s theories, closed societies occur because they are closed to the normal process of change. Open societies are based on the activities, and the creativity of many individuals, and will continue to evolve little by little. They are a society where social policies are seen for unintended consequences, are openly criticized, and altered based on these criticisms.

In the lives of exclusive societies it is not easy to construct social integration. Those differences, with great potential to become a source of conflict. Apart from the need to

remove an attitude contrary to the condition of such mixed-society as ethnocentrism, primordialism, stereotypes and exclusivism, it is necessary to develop socially acceptable attitudes:

  1. Tolerance is necessary for people to respect and appreciate each other’s differences. Not demean one another or insult one culture with another. Living in harmony with communities of different tribes, religions, and RACES.
  2. Empathy, this attitude engenders a sense of social concern. An emerging social problem can be felt a Shared responsibility, resulting in a spirit of mutual help and cooperation in the diversity.

E. Discussion

Closed societies occur because they are closed to the normal process of change. Open societies are based on the activities, and the creativity of many individuals, and will continue to evolve little by little. Those differences, with great potential to become a source of conflict. Apart from the need to remove an attitude contrary to the condition of such mixed-society as ethnocentrism, primordialism, stereotypes and exclusivism, it is necessary to develop attitudes consistent with the social conditions of the people: to live in harmony with different tribal, religious, and racial societies. Empathy, this attitude engenders a sense of social concern. Symphaty win the basic behaviour of the society (Wahyunengsih, 2018). An emerging social problem can be felt a Shared responsibility, resulting in a spirit of mutual help and cooperation in diversity.

Based on theory:

1. According to Dodi Ahmad Kurtubi

So an inclusive society can be characterized as a society capable of accepting various forms of diversity and diversity and of accommodation in the various social Settings and infrastructure.

2. According to Andjekovic Et Al, 2011

Inclusive communities are communities that guarantee involvement, equal opportunities, and the ability of individual citizens to set the rules that will be used in such social interactions

F.  Conclusion and Suggestion

Analysis data shows that there are still many closed areas, but many more open. Social inclusive is a society open to social change. Whereas social exclusion is a society envisaged by changes within its social environment. The usual barriers to society are blocked by the plurality of society, the lack of contact with others, the prejudice against foreign cultures, and the fear of integration. In these terms an exclusive and social inclusive can coexist with stability, it is dominant in an inclusive society.

G. Refferences

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Kristanto, Y. D. (2018). “Belajar Menuju Masyarakat Inklusif”. Senerai Karya ilmiah, 4.

Kurtubi, D. A. (14 July 2017). Membangun Masyarakat Inklusif Adil dan Berkesinambungan Bagi Penyandang. Dinsos, Riau.

Levitas, R. S. (2005). Levitas, Ruth. Springer,.

Trisniawati, D. W. (2019). Ecobrick sebagai Sarana Mewujudkan Masyarakat Inklusif. Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, 4(3).

Wahyunengsih, W. (2018). Teachers’ Perspective on the Challenges of Teaching English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia. Journal of English for Academic and Specific Purposes, 1(1), 22.

Muhammad Rosan Fikri
Nurma Nafisa Faradila
Yasifa Pramesti
Mahasiswa Program Studi Jurnalistik
Fakultas Dakwah dan Ilmu Komunikasi
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Editor: Diana Pratiwi

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